Deborah Bicknell

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Core Team

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Deborah (Deb) Bicknell is a Portland-Maine based global citizen with a wide heart, deep thoughts and big questions. She is a seasoned facilitator, a creative curriculum and program designer and runs her own international consulting business with concentrations in creative facilitation, conflict transformation, leadership development, youth empowerment and advocacy, school and community engagement, multiculturalism and equity, multi-stakeholder change and organizational strategic systems thinking. Her work centers around truth, expression and evolution.   

Deb helped to start an intergenerational youth advocacy organization in Maine, her home state,  and now works within a wide range of educational and community contexts.  She has co-developed and run programming for global educators both through retreat based transformational experiences as well as through online teaching and coaching.  Working with educators brings Deb great joy!

Some of her clients include Seeds of Peace International, American Councils/Kennedy-Lugar YESProgram, Americans for the Arts, Saalam Institute for Peace and Justice, the Eurasia Foundation, AMP Global Youth, Illinois Global Scholars, Muskie School of Public Service and many other local, national and international organizations. She has a BA from Lesley University and extensive training in many methods related to conflict transformation, systems change and organizational growth. Deb’s knowledge also comes from her life experiences of living with and across political and ideological divides, from years of work in conflict zones,  and from years of inner work which informs and relates to theories and practices applied in her work.   She is a TED talk/speaker coach, youth mentor, wedding officiant and published writer and poet. 

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  • Phone: (000) 123-4567
  • Fax: (00) 123-4567

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Daniel Noah Moses
Mohammed Isleem
Deborah Bicknell