Resources and Productions

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Educational Resources

We collect and share resources from our friends and colleagues. Here are some of our current resources and productions:

Einstein on a Bicycle: A Blog for Honest Expression

We invite educators, artists, and community leaders to share insights and inspiration in this monthly blog.

Turning Points

An oral history project exploring the life of Mohammed Isleem, with a focus on his personal and professional transformations. This is the first of a set of projects about stories of educators and the kinds of learning and growth at the heart of the Fig Tree Alliance.

Crisis and Possibility: Conflicts about “The Conflict” Among North American Jews

This educational booklet, which grows out of years of experience working with a wide range of North American Jews struggling to engage with the Arab-Israeli conflict, is meant as a guidebook to navigate this difficult terrain. . Daniel Noah Moses started this booklet in 2010-2011 while a Jerusalem Fellow at the Mandel Institute For Educational Leadership.

Creative Productions

A Seat At the Table

Indian filmmaker Ajay Noronha’s film about the Maine educator and community leader, Tim Wilson, is also an exploration of the African American experience in the United States of America, of race, identity, and the challenges and possibilities of the current moment.

Educator Toolkits

We create, co-create, and share resources within the Fig Tree Alliance community and beyond. Resources and toolkits will include:

  •  Thematic curriculum and lesson plans for in and out of the classroom 
    • Example: Integration of the arts, theory and praxis of dialogue, historical thinking and the learning and teaching of the past.
  • Companion resources for productions and educational workshops and retreats.


Consulting We welcome opportunities to help others do this kind of work, and offer our experience, our knowledge, our contacts on the ground. Our global network is one of our greatest assets. We tailor our support in our work with each client and each community.

Images property of Deborah E. Bicknell Consulting Services LLC, Maria Ireland, and Ajay Noronha.